Friday, December 4, 2015

New method for the mouse acceleration!

10/13/2020 update: Cheat developers started using the Interception driver for malicious purposes, and some services (FaceIt, Vanguard) have taken issue with players who have the Interception driver installed.  Fortunately, a few developers in the gaming community have taken it upon themselves to create a standalone mouse acceleration driver that can't be abused for cheat purposes.  The new version of mouse acceleration that I personally am using can be found at the following links.

Original (much outdated) post is below, but I highly recommend using raw accel.

Good news, everyone!  Povohat found another method to perform mouse acceleration!

Using the interception library/driver, povohat wrote a program that reads in mouse inputs and modifies them using the same variables and math as his other driver.  Basically, this means we now have a mouse acceleration driver that no longer requires test mode.

We've been testing the acceleration program/implementation for a few weeks now, but I only got around to adapting the GUI for it yesterday.  I've been passing out builds to people looking for any issues, and so far it seems good.  Here is the latest test build (or mirror).  If you find anything wrong, let me know!
(01/03/16 fixes: Added support for 2000hz mice in graphing, fixed crash that happened during Windows startup, and tweaked timing of starting new instance of interaccel.exe when using global hotkeys (to avoid short duration of all accel being off). Thanks nGolf and The Man for the troubleshooting!)
(12/19/15 bug fix: opening profiles no longer makes the GUI become useless. Thanks nGolf for the troubleshooting!)

Installation instructions are contained in the readme.txt.  The only hiccups we've noted so far are when the driver doesn't install properly.  Some antivirus products seem to sandbox the download and prevents it from installing, so keep an eye out for error messages.  Notable changes to the GUI include:
  • Added tooltips for all numeric inputs.
  • Added hyperlinks to this blog and
  • Added customization wizard to help newcomers have a starting point. (Calculates accel and post-scale values based on your DPI, sets sens-cap to 2).
Ewh from esreality was kind enough to test the input lag of this method of acceleration versus not having it installed.  The raw data is here, and we were happy to discover that the interception driver doesn't add any input lag!  His methodology for testing is the same as this post on esreality.

Next steps to take are: further testing to verify that the GUI isn't broken horribly, get feedback from people on how the wizard settings feel (they aren't too far off from what I'm using, just that they scale to your DPI), and contact anticheat vendors to make sure that the intercept library isn't on a blacklist of sorts for them.  The last thing I want is to have anyone get banned for using our mouse accel implementation, but it seems unlikely that it would happen.

Any and all feedback is very welcome!


  1. Holy fucking shit, a++ work.

  2. Thanks for the driver/update, I can finally play on ESEA again.

    One thing I did note was that even with same settings the acceleration is different. It feels to me like its being calculated at a lower hertz, or it might be getting input inconsistently. Definitely doesn't feel as smooth or precise as when using the older driver. I'm on windows 8 if that helps. Thanks again, huge update.

    1. This is the first I've heard of that issue. When the driver was first being tested, it turned out sensitivity cap wasn't being handled right, but we got that fixed before this was made public.

      I've tried alternating which accel driver is enabled, but I can't feel any difference between the two (and I swear I'm pretty picky).

      Here's a debugging method: 1) Close the GUI completely (and make sure the accel turns off), 2) Edit settings.txt and change "FancyOutput = 0" to "FancyOutput = 1", 3) run interaccel.exe.

      It should bring up a console application that shows you all of the input/output as well as effective sensitivity and frame time. When I move my mouse in a circle, the frametime hovers right around 0.999ms to 1.000ms (1000hz). It's not missing a beat on my Logitech G502. What does your act like?

      Note that the fancy output may or may not add input lag. For this reason, the GUI stomps on that setting and puts it to 0 every time you click save changes or load a profile.

    2. Fancyoutput shows my accel sens at a pretty steady rate of 1000-1100 but my frame time goes from 1000-200,000 is this a problem?

  3. Kovaak, any update on the above? I know user experience will vary, but if this method doesn't produce as smooth results as the previous way of adding acceleration, then I don't know, might be better to use the old one?

    1. Not sure if you're the same dude who asked, but I wrote up a reply. It should all feel the same, but if it doesn't, people can indeed use the old method.

    2. Thanks, just being cautious. It'll be nice not being forced to permanently disable test mode.

  4. Does this alternative method mean that it doesn't install a driver to the mouse interface? If so, how do I uninstall Povohat's Mouse Driver before installing this?

    1. I've been told that the interception driver installs a "Class upper filter" on all mouse devices in device manager, but it doesn't seem like it changed anything there for me (despite working). It's magic as far as I know.

      I haven't uninstalled the old mouse driver yet (just disabled it in case anyone needs help with it), but http:// indicates you can do this:

      1. open device manager
      2. under "mice and other pointing devices", right click "HID Mouse (moufiltr)"
      3. select uninstall (delete driver software if you want)
      4. re-plug mouse

    2. Doing those steps will also delete the registry settings, right?

    3. Not automatically. You can delete them yourself, but I don't think it will affect anything leaving them there. Check the original accel site for the full list of things to do to completely remove everything.

  5. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you are doing. It's extremely frustrating how you, povohat, and mew are the only people actively discussing mouse accel on social media. I play tf2 now but for years I've wanted to have accel that I can customize (isn't garbage). I don't understand why it's so hard for a peripheral company (logitech/zowie/razer/steelseries ect....) to just just throw something like this together.

    I just found this blog and I haven't had the time to checkout the new driver or the readme, but do you have any idea when this will be *full release* or I guess a more relevant question for me; do you have any idea how long it will take to find out if intercept will trigger VAC/ESEA? I am really nostalgic for the old quake days. Tf2 is pretty much impossible with low sens because of how chaotic the movements/actions are plus it's hard to hit rockets. You guys should really be getting compensated for this, keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks :) I'd almost consider the current release "full" since it seems to have been going over well and doesn't have any showstopping bugs. Still would like to hear more feedback on how the configuration wizard feels to newcomers...

      I haven't heard any reports of VAC/ESEA triggering on it yet, but I also haven't gotten a single response back from any of the anticheat vendors (and I contacted 4 of them on 12/4/15). I should start prodding them some more.

  6. I found a bug.

    - I had first installed PovoHat Mouse Accel Driver Beta 7.
    - When I found out about this, I uninstalled the Driver and also deleted the registry key + moufiltr.sys.
    - Finally I deleted the folder containing your GUI
    - I installed Intercept
    - I moved the GUI folder to somewhere safe
    - I opened the GUI
    - I adjusted my settings
    - Saved
    - Restarted Computer
    - When I start InterGUI I get an error that says that InterGUI can't find the settings and it RECREATES THE OLD FODLER THAT POVOHAT MOUSE DRIVER GUI USED.

    Why does this happen?

    1. Specifically, the error says: "There was an error reading settings.txt" and after this error happens the old folder is recreated.

    2. InterGUI.exe has to be in the same folder as settings.txt and interaccel.exe. Interaccel.exe reads from settings.txt in the same folder, and InterGUI.exe manipulates that file for interaccel.

      The folder in My Documents is solely for GUI options and saved profiles - it will always exist because it shares settings between the old driver and the new.

    3. InterGUI and Interaccel shares the same folder with settings.txt. So I don't know what's causing this. You don't have a logger built in do you, to troubleshoot?

    4. Try running interaccel.exe directly and see if it runs.

    5. Okay, so it didn't give me an error this time. Might be due to two things:

      1) I didn't automatically start the program on Windows Startup this time. Previously I had added InterGUI.exe to the Windows StartUp folder. Since removing it from there and starting it manually, it doesn't throw the error.

      2) I didn't delete the old folder InterGUI.exe recreates.

    6. Tried putting interaccel.exe, interception.dll and interGUI.exe into the same folder as the one that keeps being recreated. It stopped throwing errors. This leads me to believe that Povohat's mouse driver or maybe your old GUI program created a registry key maybe that kept linking it to that one folder. Or maybe a hidden settings file in %appdata%, %programdata% or some other place, I don't really know.

    7. Well, it's definitely not the GUI or interaccel.exe - Windows doesn't let programs modify the registry without administrative privs. And I know we don't put anything in any appdata or similar folders. The interception driver should only care that the dll file is contained along with the program that uses it (interaccel.exe). Very weird overall. I have a few copies of the sets of programs sitting in different folders, and I've never found an unexplained error like that.

    8. Yeah, it's weird. It doesn't affect anything really.

  7. I have been using Povo's driver on VAC secured servers for a few days now, no VAC ban (yet) as long as it doesn't write to the .text section of the game, which it doesn't seem to be doing, it shouldn't get you in any trouble with VAC. I have also been playing around on Dirty Bomb with it which uses BlackCipher/Nexon Game Security and they ban you rather quick for cheating, so it's a-okay there as well.

    1. thanks for your input! i'm playing csgo on a smurf for 2 days now and no ban yet. Will continue till after xmas and see if i remain unbanned. (don't want to lose all my skins :D)

    2. Let me know if you guys have any problems. I understand Valve has un-banned people in the past when it turned out they hadn't been cheating, but I hope it doesn't have to come to that in the first place.

  8. I have a problem with the program, in that i cant use it :(, after install, installing c++ Redistributable, and restart. I only got to type in mouse Hz, and now nothing happens in the gui/window. I cant click any button, or even close the windows, and off course preview any settings either. Whats wrong? I use a WMO, and iam allways is test-mode, so i have 500hz/1000hz interpolation.

    1. Any chance you could screenshot the GUI for me when it freezes up?

      Technically, you don't need the GUI to run the mouse acceleration program, it just shows you the curve and gives you a convenient way to save your settings. You could try editing the settings.txt file with notepad, changing stuff around, then running interaccel.exe (which then starts changing your mouse input as desired).

    2. Here you go:
      What exactly mean is. When i click on any of the options in "File" or "Setting", nothing happens. And thers no preview!
      I know i dont have to use it, but it would be nice to just use the gui/window instead of that cmd thing!

    3. Yep, that's broken. Never seen that before. And you don't get any error messages either...

      Is there any chance you'd be willing to install AutoIt ( and try to run the interGUI.au3 directly from the "98. gui source" folder? I wonder if the compiled exe just broke for you for some strange reason.

    4. I get no errors, i can try to install it, what would i be looking for with this program?

    5. If you run the interGUI.au3 (requires autoit to be installed), it would be the same program as the compiled exe, but I'm just hoping it will magically work instead of failing :).

    6. lol, it says "An error ocurred when reading settings.txt" properly because its not in there. AND its still not working...

    7. Ah, crap, right, would need to put interaccel.exe, interception.dll, and settings.txt into that folder with the .au3 stuff too.

      But if the GUI is broken even in that, I have absolutely no idea. Had a lot of people use the GUI with no issue so far. What OS are you on?

    8. iam using windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

    9. Just so you know, I have the same problem as Thorkild. Windows 10 64-bit, G100s here. I can just use the CMD thing though so whatevs.

  9. Hi, I tried to type a big comment but it didn't show.
    Basically hotkey profile switching has this little delay during with the raw mouse dpi shows through. When ingame my raw dpi is alot higher than after going through the program so during the delay I have to stay still or be off target by a HUGEEEEE margin. This is a big inconvience since I need to be able to switch profiles in the heat of things. If this could be fixed I would appreciate it hugely appreciate it, even though I am already hugely grateful for all the work you've already done. Thanks guys

    1. Well, crap. I thought it might have been a possibility when I was coding it but I forgot to test it. Basically, the new method has interaccel.exe read in settings.txt as soon as you run it, but it doesn't read it again. What the GUI does when you load a profile or change settings is: 1) kills any instance of interaccel.exe, and 2) starts it back up (so it reads the changes).

      I had the two steps happening pretty close together, but apparently it isn't good enough. I just made a test build with the hacky-est bullshit ever. I have it getting a list of the processes it needs to close, starting a new one, waiting 20ms, then killing all of the old. I don't notice the jump anymore. I'm a little concerned that it won't be right if your CPU is under differing amounts of load, but I can hope it works out...

      Anyway, give a shot. Just overwrite the other exe with that one and let me know how it feels.

    2. Hey, thanks for the quick response.

      I didn't have much time to test it but it seems with the new implementation post-scale x and y don't work at all. It only played around with it for a few minutes but it felt the acceleration was being applied, just that it wasn't being post-scaled. I couldn't actually tell if it was smooth or not, well test it tomorrow when I have more time and reply back.
      Happy New Year

    3. That sounds extremely weird. Interaccel.exe is still the old version, which should be handling the actual acceleration exactly the same as before. Check that your settings.txt is getting the same values from the GUI (I'm using the exe I linked right now, and it's all working for me)...

    4. Huh this was weird. I tried it out again today and it works correctly. The new gui seems to have fixed the original problem and the post-scale is working as intended. No clue what caused post-scale to not work at first, something must have been interfering or something. I guess restarting last night fixed it.

      Also side question, is there any way to use mouse4 or 5 as a hotkey? I'm thinking of using something like autohotkey because I couldn't find how to set it up using the gui.

    5. Glad to hear it helped :). Let me know if you notice any inconsistencies in turn rate when switching between profiles.

      AutoIt is capable of reading in mouse inputs for doing actions, but it uses different function calls than reading keyboard input. I've kind of been dragging my feet on doing that for global hotkeys since it would be ugly. Could you use your mouse drivers to re-assign a side mouse button to a keyboard key? Then you could use the global hotkeys function to read that "key" press.

  10. Hello! Tell me, can your program help me? I have a problem with rawinput_0 in CSGO. Will your program work at rawinput_1? Perhaps built in the program function "enhance pointer precision"(Accel OS)? -
    With rawinput 1 only 1-to-1 mouse sens. But then it does not work enhance pointer precision.

    1. Povohat's driver should work regardless of your mouse setting in-game. Easy enough to test though.

      You'll want to keep "Enhance Pointer Precision" off if you are using the driver linked in this blog. That's a different form of accel, and it would be a little bad to mix the two.

    2. Hello!

      A friend of mine was just asking if you could work a little bit and add Windows mouse acceleration support (=enhance pointer precision) to your program, he playes with the OS acceleration. Let me explain.

      After reading this topic:; we found out that m_rawinput 0 has some packet loss. So he wants to play with Rinput v1.37 to have 100% precision. However, any Rawinput methods don't allow you to use the OS acceleration. That's why he is asking to add this support in your program to imitate the OS acceleration to have both 100% precision and OS acceleration. (:

      Is it difficult to perform for you? Thank you

    3. Oh, I think I see.

      I actually never looked into exactly what the "Enhance Pointer Precision" mouse accel curve looks like these days. It should be possible to do a curve that's very close to what he's used to, would just require some tweaking. And as I said in the other reply, this version of the driver should work regardless of rawinput/rinput. I don't have csgo, but I just tested rinput.exe (v1.31) with Reflex, and my mouse accel was still working.

    4. I tested Pohovat's program as well, worked fine for me with the latest version of Rinput v1.37. The problem is that the OS acceleration has more than 2 thresholds. Pohovat's program can do only 2 thresholds, at least for now. Have a look at this article, there are some formulas and curves in the end:

      Thank you (:

    5. Glad to hear it works for you too.

      I don't have any immediate plans to jump on changing the interaccel.exe (I've only worked on the GUI myself, and I have a lot of side projects at the moment), but the source is included. If you have the math required for "Enhance Pointer Precision" style acceleration, it should be doable to take the interaccel.exe source and make it do the same thing.

  11. I would really like to thank you for all the hard work you have put into this! I am proud to know that povohat went out of his way to make a better solution that no longer requires running things in test mode. Since this now exists, I could easily see myself recommending it as a means to modify the horrendously added acceleration placed within the company driver for a mouse that is otherwise amazing.

  12. This is amazing! I'll happily test this for VAC and other detection programs (nexon, punkbusters etc). I think the fact that it's a background issue will bother LAN organizers more than anticheat though as some will probably get pissy.

  13. On Windows 7 x64 it is not installing at all. I liked old one for low-level operations on mouse input, and now process is user-mode, and it will lag like user-mode apps, kernel apps have own resources and processor power with irq. For me it's bad idea.

    1. Are you getting any error messages on it not installing? Is it the installing interception batch file or something else?

      Regarding user versus kernel driver, there are tradeoffs for each. I've not experienced any increased input lag with the new driver, and Ewh's tests showed that to be true. If you want to be absolutely sure, you are very welcome to use the old method though. Biggest problem is that since the old driver is unsigned, certain anticheat vendors won't let you play games in Windows Test mode. If you don't play those games, you should be fine with the kernel level driver.

  14. Hey. So I'm having an issue where I install the driver and then launch the gui, but nothing happens afterwards. I can change my settings but nothing seems to be applied. I have the vc reddist stuff downloaded. I have no clue what the problem is. Win 8.1 64bit

    1. Hrm. Can you close the GUI, go into settings.txt, and change some values around there then run interaccel.exe? If that closes immediately, check to see if you installed the interception driver properly. Some AV products were blocking that.

  15. cant install, it say cant install to system32

    1. Did you resolve this? I heard some Antivirus products were blocking the installation and sandboxing them.

  16. Hello, thank you so much for the work you're doing, it's much appreciated! I used this driver for about a month on TF2 and CS:GO without having any issues, but recently it has been unusable due to the mouse randomly skipping across the screen once every 5 minutes or so. I was wondering if you had experienced anything like this and whether you knew what could cause this, or whether there was a way that I could fix it?

    1. Any chance you have a second monitor that you could run task manager on? There's a chance something is taking up a bunch of CPU when that happens for you and it blocks the mouse accel program from running calculations. Sort by CPU usage and see if anything spikes to the top during those times.

    2. You're right, my CPU is spiking ALOT whenever it glitches out. That would explain why it happens much more frequently in CS:GO than in Quake.

  17. The dropbox download link for the 2.7 build is dead. Any chance we can get a new link please?

    1. Ah, try again. My dropbox folder got filled up due to that Reflex movie stuff... sorry :).

  18. Good day.
    Being using the older version and i must thank you for your work.
    I have a feature request.

    What i have in mind is an "inertia" system to let the mouse maintain its velocity while i reposition it back on the mousepad. Obviously in doing so i raise the mouse above the pad and sensor can't register.
    I can understand that its difficult to tell if a mouse is on a surface or not, but when the sensor stops registering usually the cursor velocity drops to zero instantly.

    So i think that an implementation would detect those abrupt drops in velocity and, if the delta is bigger than a user-defined threshold, the program would let the cursor drift for some distance along the screen until the mouse starts registering non-zero stuff again. Falloff distance should be user defined, together with a speed multiplier that tells how quickly the animation will reach its distance.

    No idea if other people would find a good use for it. Kindof a fun addition for them i suppose.

  19. I am having some sort of input lag issue when ever I use this, not sure exactly what I am doing wrong since I have fancyOutput to 0. I have a great PC and no problem in performance for any game I play. Today I wanted to set up my mouse accel from quake live to play gta 5 and skyrim, I thought this would be fun and so It works perfectly except for a strange behavior around smokey areas in skyrim and pretty much anywhere in heavy traffic on gta... I get a really weird frame rate stutter and it goes away as soon as I close interception. This has me worried because I was also feeling some input lag when I was testing out my accel settings in quake. I am currently using sensitivity= 1 power = 2 acceleration = .11 angle snapping = .3 and everything else is set to default.

    1. I should also mention that I have a zowie fk 2014 500hz 1188 dpi. It's the 1150 option but it turns out it has 1188 dpi. Windows 7 64 bit. I run my games 1920x1080 @144hz no vsync for quake or reflex. Maybe the input lag comes from trying to extrapolate manipulated input at low frame rates/ spiked frame drops etc.

    2. Interesting. Any chance you can get to an input-laggy area and try playing around with your driver settings? Like, drop the angle snapping and see how it acts. Then set the accel to 0 and see how it feels.

      Also, any chance you can go into your task manager and manually set the interaccel.exe to a higher priority? Maybe that would help...

    3. I tried to emulate what I did yesterday with the input lag but I couldn't get it to lag. I think it may have something to do with memory leaks. I have 16gb or ram but it's possible that gta or skyrim don't dump the memory properly after closing. And yes it would take a while to use 16 gb but I think it is possible since I was using my computer for a while. Interception runs at high priority in the task manager by default. Another thing I was doing yesterday was opening and closing interception quite a bit, and I think I may have had the interception application without the gui open and then opened up the one with the gui to edit settings.txt then closed the one without the gui and continued to play skyrim. In fact, I think that is what I did wrong and it's good you don't have to change anything. I love your ql accel emulator and thanks a bunch for making it! :)

    4. I had noticable input lag too once or twice. My system was not under any kind of load, disabled and re enable the drivet seemed to have solved it.

      It doesnt appear to happen at random for now (luckily) but it happened while i was testing different values.

      A quick question, what is the purpose of post XY over value 1.00 ? My logitech mouse itself supports dpi value increments of 50. Dont i just want to adjust base (lowest dpi) in logitech software and keep PostXY on 1?

    5. I actually recommend setting DPI decently high (over 2000) and using post-scale values below 1. See:

  20. Hello, I was searching the web for perhaps a way to deal with built in mouse acceleration and was wondering

    Can this program be used to remove built in mouse acceleration completely?
    I'm purchasing a mouse and this is very important to me.

    1. I agree that hardware mouse accel is kind of a bad thing since you can't control it in any meaningful way, but unfortunately this driver doesn't support negative values for acceleration right now so you wouldn't be able to correct for built in positive mouse accel. It is open source though, so if anyone finds a way to change the algorithm of the accel to accept negative values, you might be able to use that to counteract hardware mouse accel (would require a good bit of tweaking to find the right values).

      That said, if your mouse has built in negative accel, you could definitely add a little with this driver to get a flat sensitivity.

  21. Hi KovaaK, I really need some light in my case and I appreciate any help. I'm a Rainbow Six Siege player (used to quake and cod accel). There's no option in the r6 configurations regarding mouseaccel so I've been using your mousefilter (old one) to make this work. The problem is that I have some lan events to attend this year and the use of an external driver/software might be a problem, probably not allowed. Is there a way that I can put the mousefilter accel curves on a windows registry file to use like a "mousefix" ? If yes, do I need to use "enhanced poniter precision" on to make it work? Please I need help on this. Thanks

    1. It looks like there are ways to make "enhance pointer precision" a customized curve, but I have no experience in playing with those settings. would be where I'd start if I was going to dive into it.

      You might want to talk to the admins of the upcoming tournaments and ask them if they'd be willing to install the interception driver for povohat's new thing though. It only requires admin once to install, then it runs as a user-level app. I assume it would be the same for installing any other device drivers for mice/keyboards in that you'd need an organizer to help you.

  22. Another minor annoyance with the tool: it is not windows dpi aware, as a result the text is huge and almost impossible which text is relevant to which input field. I can temporarily fix with windows aero on but annoying as it introduces windows vsync.

    1. Yeah, someone brought that to my attention a few months back. I tried a few simple things to help, but there wasn't any easy solution. I'm not exactly often writing GUIs, so I don't know how to fix it :<. Any advice from someone who knows how to use the AutoIT GUI stuff to support Windows DPI would be much appreciated.

  23. Hey, im sure some people here will be looking to imitate the acceleration of the kinzu v1 . do you happen to know what the settings are to imitate it ?

    1. Would probably take some trial and error to figure it out, but I haven't used the kinzu so I don't know. Also keep in mind the settings will most likely depend on your DPI.

    2. Do you happen to know any way test method or program that can help me to replicate it?

    3. If you are turning the driver setting for acceleration on and off (assuming you can), it would just be a case of testing it at slow speeds (and I mean really slow, like 1 pixel per screen update) with driver setting on+interception accel off then the opposite. You'd be tweaking the post-scale variables, but they would most likely stay at 1.

      Then once you've got slow speeds down, try it at faster speeds and see if you can make it feel similar as you toggle back and forth between the two configurations. You'd be changing the acceleration variable here.

      I honestly have no idea if their driver acceleration has an offset, a sensitivity cap, or a power that isn't 2. Sorry I can't be of much help there.

  24. I am looking to try emulate the acceleration i had in Windows XP, What's confused me most is MarkyC patch says that XP didn't have mouse accel by default? but i definitely had it, maybe i just had Enhanced pointer precision on? and i also used;

    4/11 Pointer speed and Direct input from windows in my game (UT99)
    85hz monitor
    400 DPI
    0.31 in game mouse ini settings

    It was a great balance and i haven't been able to recreate it since..

    Anybody know what kind of profile i might need to set to recreate this? Been trying 101 different configurations of postscale and accel but just can't seem to strike the same balance

    Great work on this driver btw, only ever hear bad things said about Accel normally.

    1. What kind of acceleration did XP have with enhanced pointer precision selected? UT4 does not allow direct input from windows, so i need to create it's effect with this driver, i remember now; moving the mouse pointer speed slider down in Control panel settings, gave me ultra fine slow aim for tracking and then there was some accel that would allow me to still spin around despite the very low sens but i think the amount of acceleration was subtle, it'll be whatever XP default accel was, i wonder if it had any 'offset'?

    2. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, been a little busy lately...

      Anyway, the XP acceleration curve apparently looked something like this: I didn't use XP style accel, but I would imagine those sudden increases in sensitivity to be rather difficult to adjust to. I'm still a fan of just plain linear sens with a cap :).

      Also, recreating old stuff might be a bit difficult to get the feel right - especially if you've changed mice since then.

    3. No, thank you for getting back at all i appreciate it.

      How have you created the curve above?

      I found these values in Bologna's tool

      [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]


      With instructions for how to decimalise it.

      I guess i now need to replicate these values in your tool, since my game only takes raw input and doesn't support Direct windows input like i used to use.

      I have absolutely no idea where to begin tho :|

      Thankfully Bologna also decimalised them

      Below are the default values converted to decimal figures respectively:

      00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 0
      15,6e,00,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 0.43001
      00,40,01,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 1.25
      29,dc,03,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 3.86001
      00,00,28,00,00,00,00,00 <-- 40

      00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 0
      b8,5e,01,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 1.37
      cd,4c,05,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 5.30001
      cd,4c,18,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 24.30001
      00,00,38,02,00,00,00,00 <-- 568

      but i'm not sure where to place the decimal values in the interaccel framework to replicate it's effect

      I noticed that windows control panel values had no influence on the game but values in my Setpoint logitech drivers do, only problem is i dislike logitechs accel, always did, i remember when i tried it years ago, disabled it instantly, it makes sense now that i/we know that one mouse accel is not the same as another mouse accel and they have different infliction points.

      Well i'm trying my best to replicate every last detail, i think only then i can tap into my muscle memory to be a good player ago. Plugged the old mouse back in, even lowered my refresh rate from 144hz to the 85hz it used to be on because i think it was Bologna who pointed out that hz is part of the formula affecting, which also explains why i could never adjust to different hz levels even then, the CRT monitor allowed i think 120 even then or more even but i guess it will have messed with the accel formula.

      I think what i dislike about the logitech curves is that even the low option feels too fast, i wonder if that is reflected in the values.

  25. Is telling me I can't run the program because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing? I've followed the steps but it doesnt seem to change anything

    1. Download/install (as mentioned in the readme.txt). Let me know if that doesn't work.

  26. I entered in my quake settings and the mouse feels slower. Do you have to change the sensitivty from 1 in the driver to the quake sensitivity as well?

    1. That's one option, but I also made a converter between games here:

  27. Basically, I'm trying to get overwatch to feel like quakelive, but am having issues. :) any guidance is appreciated. Additionally, your suggestion for vcruntime worked.

    1. Someone made a converter between Quake and OW here, but I don't know if it is accurate for the latest OW patches:

  28. I used your converter to get the driver settings I wanted to use for overwatch, however sensitivity doesn't change when I type 2.39 into quake ( on your converter) the driver stays at 1. I assume thats for a reason

    1. Correct, the calculator tries to keep sensitivity at 1. The variable works in weird ways for the driver, but it isn't necessarily wrong to use it at different values (it just scales the effect of everything else).

    2. Alright so lets say in that converter 10 over watch sensitivity is comparable to my quake 40cm/360. Should I just leave overwatchs sens ingame at 10 and use your converter from quake to driver to set my driver settings to get that accel/myaw/pitch feel?

    3. By the way, I really appreciate your quick replies!

    4. "Alright so lets say in that converter 10 over watch sensitivity is comparable to my quake 40cm/360. Should I just leave overwatchs sens ingame at 10 and use your converter from quake to driver to set my driver settings to get that accel/myaw/pitch feel?"

      Yeah, that would be the process basically. I know at some point in the OW beta, the slider only showed an integer number like "10" but the reality is that there were portions of the slider where you'd be at like 9.5 and other parts where you'd be at 10.4. So maybe you need to shift it slightly more to the right of 10 to get it right?

    5. Something just feels off about when the accel kicks in compared to quake, or something. It feels "sluggish".

    6. Have you tried using the mouse accel driver with your settings, going into QuakeLive, and setting your cl_mouseaccel to 0 to make sure it feels the same in there?

    7. I think in overwatch the accel inst kicking in or something. It doesn't feel like its actually on. In windows the accel kicks in.

    8. So I tested as you said. I think its because messed with post scale.
      Post-ScaleX = 0.5455
      Post-ScaleY = 0.6136
      Is what was suggested to turn the driver into a similar x and Y feel to my .012 and .0135 yaw and pitch setting but that was having a very odd effect on my sensitivity and the accel. Very different from Quake anyway. When set back to 1 it seemed to work fine(atleast in quake where they have those pitch and yaw setting set natively.)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. After a little bit of testing. The sensitivity and m_yaw/pitch settings on this driver are awesome. But for me the accel is wonkey. In quake and over-watch when it reaches the speed to accel it is sometimes inconsistent and makes me warp around at mach 5 other times it works as intended. Any idea what may be causing this?

    1. Very strange. Haven't heard any reports of that happening in the past. I assume it doesn't go nuts when you're flicking around with accel turned off? (i.e.: your mouse is tracking normally on the mousepad)

  31. Great job man, I love you! Being able to play all shooters like q3 arena is a blast! I grow up on q3 and using mouse accel become natural to me. Then all the other games took that from me :(. Now I will play all shooters that came out after q3 all over again! Just kidding, I will play only UT4 :)
    I am not having any issues, everything works perfectly, but just out of curiosity, how heavy is this software for CPU?

    1. If you take a look at interaccel.exe in the task manager while you're playing games, you can see how it does. On my (pretty old) CPU it is pretty much 0% to 0.5%. It shouldn't impact performance.

      Glad you're enjoying it!

  32. How best to replicate the following values in your tool?

    00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 0
    15,6e,00,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 0.43001
    00,40,01,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 1.25
    29,dc,03,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 3.86001
    00,00,28,00,00,00,00,00 <-- 40

    00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 0
    b8,5e,01,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 1.37
    cd,4c,05,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 5.30001
    cd,4c,18,00,00,00,00,00, <-- 24.30001
    00,00,38,02,00,00,00,00 <-- 568

    1. I have absolutely no idea. I've never used that form of acceleration or looked into the way it works before. I suspect it isn't directly translatable because they are doing different maths behind the scenes. Sorry.

    2. How have you managed to make this driver work in game, my game tends to block most of my settings cos it only seems to take raw input but your driver manages to inject into the game still, i wonder how you have achieved this

    3. It's all through the magic of the interception driver:

  33. Hey, has there been any luck with ESEA or other anticheat vendors? I opened a couple of tickets on ESEA and they keep giving me the same bs vague response about using common sense and not using something that gives an unfair advantage -.-. Kind of scared of using this if I'm gonna be banned.

    1. Not a single anticheat vendor responded to me directly. I'm a little disappointed by that, but I'm not sure what to do.

    2. ive used this accel program for like 1+ month now and i have not been banned so idk i think its secure on my main account :P

  34. I'm not sure if this has already been answered yet but, do we need to run the application GUI in order for the accel to work?

    1. Interaccel.exe is the program that actually performs the mouse accel. The gui runs that in the background, so either you run the gui or Interaccel.exe.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I am still confused as to how sensitivity cap works. Do you multiply it by your sensitivity or do you multiply it by the post x/y scale? I read in a reddit thread that it is multiplied by the sensitivity, but on here, it states that it is to be multiplied by the post x/y scale. For example, my sensitivity is 2.2 right now and sensitivity cap is 4; as I swipe it, it'll eventually climax and move as if my sensitivity is 8.8?

    1. When you say your sensitivity is 2.2, do you mean your in-game sensitivity, or the driver's "sensitivity"? I like to keep the driver's "sensitivity" variable at 1 - it's mainly used to copy your settings from QuakeLive or Reflex directly into the driver. If you're talking about your in-game sens being 2.2 and sens cap being 4 (and your post-scales are set at 1), then yes - your sensitivity will get up to 8.8. If it's the other thing, let me know and I'll tell you what's going on.

      If you have the driver's sensitivity at 1, then sensitivity cap is the highest multiple that acceleration will bring your effective sensitivity to, starting from the lowest point it starts at. So if you have post-scale 0.5 and sensitivity cap 4, accel will bring the effective sens up back to 2 at the highest.

      And for what it's worth, I find that a sensitivity cap of 2 works pretty well. Quadrupling your mouse sensitivity might be difficult to control, but I'm sure some people can do it with enough practice/training.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ah, and yeah my in-game sensitivity is 2.2. Thank you for clarifying, it all makes sense now.

  38. This is some great stuff I got kicked from Dirty Bomb using this though :(

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This is some great stuff I got kicked from Dirty Bomb using this though :(

    1. I don't actually have Dirty Bomb - any chance you could give me a screenshot of the kick message it gives you? I'd like to approach the company and see if they can whitelist it for us.

    2. I've just mailed the support to ask them to allow it, I'll take another shot later and hope I don't get banned :p

    3. I got kicked on my first game using it, it was written something like "kicked for security reasons" and I have yet to get kicked again after 6-7 games using it. I'll take a screenshot and post it here if it happens again.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Honestly, due to this being a driver based low level app, and the GUI does little more than what LGS does to my logitech mouse or creative control panel to my soundcard. Nobody CAN ban you for using a third party driver. It is bullshit.

    Secondly there is nothing that relates this driver to cheating what so ever, its also not proven you would do better or worse with it ;)

  42. I kinda miss an important feature, apply settings/profile when window/game is active/in background rather than profiles based on whether a process exists.

    Would be really handy when alt tabbing in windows! Great program otherwise.

  43. I get "Could not write to \system32\drivers" when trying to install the driver.
    I've already tried running as admin

    1. Try disabling your antivirus while installing it. Sometimes they sandbox downloads and prevent it from installing correctly.

  44. So do i need to remove my official (logitech) drivers for this to work? Sorry if this has already been answered.
    And thanks to both of you for making this happen.

    1. The interception driver works independently of any mouse drivers, so you can keep whatever other software installed (or choose to not install it), and the mouse accel will still work fine.

  45. Does setting a sensitivity cap value over 1 introduce pixel skipping in the same way that setting Post-Scale to a value over 1 does? For example, for a sensitivity cap value of 2, would it eventually skip every other pixel?

    1. I'm 99% sure that is not the case. Prescale > 1 has issues, but postscale and sens cap are fine at any value.

    2. The old documentation ( specifically mentions Post-Scale as being subject to the same pixel skipping behavior of a Pre-Scale value over 1. Has this changed in recent versions of the driver?

      If Post-Scale 1 represents using 100% of your mouse resolution, I'm not sure how it couldn't do anything but pixel skip at values greater than 1 (e.g. a 400dpi mouse wouldn't suddenly have 800dpi of resolution at Post-Scale 2). Is there some kind of built in scaling where Post-Scale 1 actually means only a fraction of the mouse's resolution, or am I thinking of Post-Scale incorrectly?

    3. Ah, right, I forgot that applied to post-scale too, but it makes sense. When the driver finishes getting called from one mouse update, any fractional amount of mouse movement that would have been applied gets saved into a variable and is applied at the beginning of the next mouse update. So say you have post-scale (or pre-scale) set to 1.1 and everything else is standard with no accel. Here's what happens if you move your mouse really slowly from left to right:

      Mouse driver gets input of 1 pixel, multiplies it by 1.1, then finishes calculating and moves the mouse 1 pixel (with .1 left over). Next update, same thing, but it has .2 left over. It keeps going one pixel at a time until it was at 0.9 left, sees a 1 movement multiplied by 1.1, then ends up with 2. At that point, it moves two pixels.

      If you have a post-scale starting at less than 1 and a sens cap+accel that raised it to greater than 1 at higher speeds, moving slowly enough would dodge any pixel skipping since the increments would be less than 1 per mouse update. When you go faster, it would necessarily "skip pixels" because your effective mouse sensitivity would be higher. But you're basically relying on the mouse accel to do that in the first place.

      This is another reason why I recommend running the driver with higher DPIs - it lets you turn post-scale down to smaller values and the driver ends up working with larger numbers internally which means rounding is less of an issue.

      Does that help?

    4. Yes, the explanation about fractional values carrying over to the next update helps. Thanks.

      Let me know if if my understanding of this is correct: If Post-Scale is set to 2, then it indeed would skip every other pixel, resulting in a situation where half the pixels on the screen couldn't physically be navigated to, like bishops on a chess board only having access to half the squares. A similar situation arises from setting Windows sens above 6/11 or using an in-game sens too high for the dpi of your mouse.

      A Post-Scale of 1 and a sens cap of 2 would skip a pixel progressively more frequently (every 10th pixel, then every 9th, etc) until maximum acceleration, at which point it would behave similarly to a Post-Scale of 2, whereby every other pixel is skipped. However, this scenario isn't as bad as a flat multiplier because you could still navigate to those pixels by moving the mouse slower. Is this correct?

      Other than the aforementioned smoother curve from a higher dpi, is there any benefit to instead of using Post-Scale 1 and sens cap of 2, to having a Post-Scale of 0.5 and sens cap of 1, while doubling either the dpi of the mouse or in-game sens?

    5. Your scenario you wrote looks correct to me.

      The smoother curve of the input fundamentally means that it provides a more consistent input to the driver. If you raise your DPI and reduce the post-scale/tweak all of the other settings for the same feel, it will result in less skipped pixels. You only get this benefit if you change your mouse DPI - raising in-game sensitivity won't help the mouse driver.

    6. Thanks again.

    7. What is the actual formula for effective mouse sensitivity relative to counts, acceleration, and exponent? In other words, what is the equation for the graph in the GUI?

    8. In AutoIt (for the GUI), is the source code for that function. In C++, is the source code for that section. (Both sources are included in the zip file)

    9. Taking pixel skipping into account, is there a way to configure the mouse only via the UI that starts with movement significanly lower than the regular mouse speed (for accuracy) and accelerates at most to the regular mouse speed without inducing skipping at any stage?

    10. I think you misunderstand. Pixel skipping with fast movements is expected of your mouse, even without mouse acceleration turned on. It's when you move your mouse slowly and have pixel skipping that there is an issue (which is why we don't recommend going above 1 with the pre-scale or post-scale values).

      If you're going fast enough no matter the mouse sensitivity or acceleration, you will skip pixels. If you aren't skipping pixels, you're hitting a speed cap and it would feel like aiming with a joystick.

  46. I was wondering if one of you guys could do a tutorial on how to install this driver because I'm not very tech savvy and I haven't had any luck finding a tutorial on YouTube.

    1. Quick note, I ran the installation of interception and it prompts me with an option to either repair or uninstall microsoft visual c++ 2008 redistributable, which one do I choose?

    2. Sounds like that component is already installed, so maybe you can skip it.

      That said, if it fails to work try uninstalling then running the installer again after.

    3. Thank you very much for the quick reply! I uninstalled and re-installed and had no trouble running the program.

  47. "Warning: intercept.dll might looks suspicious as hell to anticheat right now. After we do some
    preliminary testing, I plan on approaching the anticheat vendors and asking for a whitelist
    exemption for our executable."

    When will you approach anticheat vendors? I don't feel comfortable using this til then, but I really want to as I can aim better with acceleration.

    1. I did approach them, but not a single one responded to my emails. I heard someone got an ESEA person to respond to a DM on a forum, and it was something non-specific along the lines of "use common sense - don't cheat, and you won't be banned."

      Over the last half year, I haven't heard from anyone being banned in any games for using the driver yet. (I assure you I'm not censoring anything here)

  48. Very nice work, i'm testing out everything right now but stuck on the m_yaw/m_pitch.

    How do i get the same values from quake for other games.
    m_pitch "0.022"
    m_yaw "0.018"
    Should i just do minus 0.004 on the PostScaleY?


    1. Yaw is Post-ScaleX and Pitch is Post-ScaleY. When you have your settings correct for turning left/right, take your Post-ScaleX value and multiply it by 1.22 (which is 0.022/0.018), then put that in your Post-ScaleY value.

      So if your Post-ScaleX is 0.5, you'd use Post-ScaleY 0.61.

    2. Thanks for the quick reply!

      I'm still not sure how to get the exact same settings out of the program just like the settings in quake.

      To be clear, When i fill in the wizard i get values calculated for me (postX/postY both 0.8625) and i get a sample accel. So if i change the accel to 0 the settings should be identical to the settings i get without the program in windows? And when i change the acceleration to my quake ingame accel it should still be all correct right (as long as i use 0 accel in quake config)?

      The yaw and pitch are still a bit confusing for me, i thought that m_yaw and m_pitch multiply the quake ingame sensitivity, will the Post-ScaleXY multiplier still be calculate according to my quake sens? And after changing the Post-ScaleXY how should i change the quake ingame m_yaw/m_pitch settings to not get it multiplied again ingame?

      Thanks again!

    3. Wait, are you trying to copy acceleration settings directly from QuakeLive to the driver? If so, use If you use that, you'll keep your in-game sensitivity what it is, set accel to 0, set m_yaw/m_pitch to 0.022, then use the values for the driver from that calculator.

      Yaw and pitch are multipliers to your sensitivity in the same way that post-scale X and post-scale Y are multipliers to your sensitivity. If you are using one set on a non-standard value, you might want to keep the other set on the standard value (like 0.022 for yaw/pitch, and whatever for post-scales; or 1 for post-scales and whatever you want for yaw/pitch).

      Does that help? Let me know if not. Maybe include your specific settings and desired goal in the next post.

  49. Can you add start with windows to the trayicon menu to start the gui minimized on startup. Thanks

  50. Hey I just wanted to post an update concerning esea. Apparently someone messaged one of the esea software devs on tftv about the use of the driver and I guess it isn't allowed because the way it modifies mouse input can be potentially malicious. ( I don't really understand how that would make intercept different from any other driver or what part makes it tangible for exploitation for cheats or whatever. I literally just found out about this and I have been using the
    driver on client and on vac secured servers for months now without any issues lmao. It would be a bit disappointing if I had to stop using accel now though just for esea

    1. Mildly infuriating no one from ESEA responded to my email, but they sent that out...

      So, that message is from February 2nd. I've definitely been in contact with a number of people who use the driver in ESEA without issues. I wonder if they went back on it?

      I just sent ESEA another email and referenced that screenshot as well as what I just mentioned. Hopefully they'll get back to me, but I'm kind of not holding my breath unfortunately :<.

    2. Yeah I used the driver playing last season of open in tf2 (which ended like a month or so ago) without any problems. I'm curious what exactly is different about intercept that ESEA sees as potentially malicious and I really want to keep playing with accel aaaaaaaaaaaaa sad times.

  51. anyone know if this is safe to use with overwatch? i'm dying to use it.

    1. I've been using it in Overwatch in stress test weekends, the open beta, and since release. Haven't played a game without it (47 hours in) and haven't had any issues with anticheat. I also know a number of former Quake pros are using it, including fazz, noctis, rapha, and clampOK.

      As with every other anticheat vendor, they didn't respond to my email regarding the driver, but given how aggressively Blizzard has been attacking actual cheats, it seems unlikely that mouse accel is going to cause issues.

    2. hey i forgot i posted that and just checked back today, happy to see a response. i really appreciate how you continue to respond to comments here. i guess i'll go ahead and start using it. thanks again.

  52. is there a way to correlate source engine settings to this? ive tried figuring it out but i cant seem to emulate it very well
    i found this on tftv

    Power would be equivalent to m_customaccel_exponent (with m_customaccel set to 1 or 2), except with 1 added to it
    (for some reason in quake lives accel scheme, they subtract 1 from power before using it as an exponent).

    can i emulate m_customaccel 3 with this? and how exactly does m_customaccel 3 differ from the linear accel of quake

  53. What settings should i put in if i want the same sensitivity i have in csgo (400 dpi, rawinput on, 400dpi, 500hz, 1.2 sens, 1.05 accel) in other games? thanks in advance! thanks for creating this.

    1. I don't know how csgo acceleration works compared to the povohat driver, unfortunately. Is the acceleration linear with that console command?

    2. The acceleration is not linear. It is only exponential. It's based on this formula:

      m_customaccel 3: mouse_acceleration = pow(raw_mouse_delta, m_customaccel_exponent - 1) * sensitivity

  54. Have you had any issues with odd spikes in sensitivity while using this?

    1. It's been perfectly fine for me since the first releases. Responds exactly how I expect it to. Are you having issues? If so, can you open up task manager on a second monitor and see if anything is eating up huge amounts of CPU while it's happening?

  55. I have an update for how one Anticheat vendor in CS:GO, CEVO. They do not allow this method of mouse acceleration:

    1. Any chance you could tell them to contact me at The executable itself has been constant for quite a while now. I see no reason that they couldn't whitelist a hash of interaccel.exe and still be vigilant about other programs using the interception driver (if they care about it).

      Also, that answer is pretty lacking in detail as to why it isn't allowed. I wish they'd explain a bit more.

  56. Can you help me to LAUNCH this in game? I am sterted it up. All seting as DPI,mhz response in USB - is done. GUI now in tray but i cannot se any effect in the game!
    Acceleration in windows and game is ON.

    1. Sounds like you didn't install the dependencies. Check the readme.txt and install both the interception driver and the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.

  57. kovaak please help me, i'm god like playing with the mouse acceleration emulation of windows 2000 made by markc but in some games isn't possible to play with that mouse enhancer precision due to they have built in raw input on or anything like that, so the question is there's an way to emulate windows 2000 mouse accel on your amazing software? THANX!

    1. Without doing a rewrite of the acceleration program povohat wrote, it can't be done. And I'm spread far too thin in other projects/stuff to take on something new at this point in time. Sorry.

  58. no problem, u did a nice work on povohat btw, tyvm =)

  59. Just posted this to a reply you made to someone who suggested your software on the Blizzard forums. I'm not flaming it's positive. I'd just like to encourage you to "get-your-lawyer-on".

    I'm wary about using this software. I've tested it offline and i love it though, i rinsed my motorskills on steam when i discovered you could change the acceleration in the hope that... *tears up* day you would be able to change the power to about 1.4... or something. I have had severe RSI several times and mouse acceleration helps so much with this because you arent doing stupid jarring movements with your wrist. and with a less than linear increase - as far as i can tell - with say about a 1.4 you can maintain SOME accuracy. and if you feel like it you can whack it up to 2.4 and add some difficulty. I don't see this as cheating but I am worried it may be seen that way :/ i intend to try it online but as you've said blizzard haven't replied to any request. Please read the documentation Kovaak ^^. The reason i don't see it as cheating is because although easier IMO, people who are insanely skilled would probably rather stick to their 0 acceleration and get RSI. Correct me if I'm wrong but i don't think it'd make it "too easy". Infact everything i read states it's harder to use acceleration. And IMHO I'm not able to test it without potentially getting banned and i feel if it's true that it'd be to easy then there should be like - lessons in school about this stuff, because you could easily implement movement delay because I'm fairly sure some simulated lower reaction speeds could work well in a game. I don't see any 360 no-scopes in any Hollywood Blockbusters. AND it'd level out the playing field if everyone wasn't so worried about reaction speed and controlling a 3 dimensional field of view with a mouse. Not cool talents to have imo. Safety first then Teamwork.

  60. maybe add some some tech in there like faster decceleration to mix it up (although i'm joking i love honing my motor skills not my muscle memory and you KNOW it's a good idea)

  61. Hello Kovaak.

    Im playing on Win7 64 bit system and I ve encounterd following issues to use your driver. Actually I can start the batch file as administrator to initialize driver installation. After a reboot, I am clicking on the GUI and it says that some DLLs are missing. So i searched and finally found them. After copying that missing DLLs in the correct system folder, I rebooted and hoped to get it working......but this time i get a message that "The application was unable to start correctly 0xc000007b.Click OK to close ..." ...and thats it ..the GUI is still appearing but i cant do much with that error

    1. Hrm. Do you also have the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 downloaded and installed per the readme?

  62. 'install-interception.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    Does this program work on windows 10 or did I do something wrong while installing it.

    1. I use it on Windows 10 just fine. You'll want to use the .bat file in that folder to install it... but if you got that error, it sounds like the file might have been corrupted. I know that some antivirus programs have given people issues in the past, but I haven't heard any of that lately.

      Maybe try re-downloading it and make sure your AV isn't doing something silly.

    2. disabled anti virus, tried it again with a redownload, still doesn't work. Did i install something wrong? I'm clicking on driver_install.bat and a command prompt telling me install-inteception.exe is not recognised, i assume this is an error?

  63. Hey, i'm having a problem when i'm trying to install the driver, but it keeps giving me these messages and i don't know what to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. obs forgot the message: Could not write to \system32\drivers

  64. i have a question . if i have raw input enabled , will i still have mouse accel?

    1. Hey, the reply button works again (I swear I tried the last two days and it wasn't...)

      So, yes, mouse accel does work through raw input.

  65. I followed the steps but it still isn't working. I have my anti virus software off and have uninstalled my roccat kone pure optical software. I also installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.

    1. Shouldn't need to uninstall any mouse software for the interception version.

      Can you run interaccel.exe directly? If it opens a window and immediately closes, that means one of the dependencies is not installed properly (either the MS Visual C++ Redist, or the Interception driver itself). If the window stays open, that means it's running and capable of modifying your mouse input.

  66. Works 100% in BF4, and works in CSGO main menu and when in escape menu or tilde console, but not while playing.

    Windows 7 64 bit

    1. That doesn't make sense to me - I've talked to a number of people who are using it in CSGO without issue. Try changing something extreme (like divide your post-scale values by 10) and see if it works.

  67. Hi KovaaK, I've been having weird issues with intercept. Whenever I use the driver I get random (like maybe every five minutes or so) mouse issues where my cursor either briefly just flicks around or I get this stuttering issues for like a second which feels similar to packet loss. Neither of these issues occur when I am not using the driver. Has this happened with anyone else? :(

    1. That's a new issue to me. Any chance you have a second monitor that you can put Windows Task Manager up on and take a look at the list of processes sorted by CPU usage to see if anything is taking up vast amounts of resources when it happens?

  68. can I get this driver to make the feel of 4:3 aspect res in overwatch ? overwatch doesn't support 4:3 but im used to csgo, so i want to use 1280x960 and get the 4:3 feel

    1. I'm not sure what feel you'd be trying to emulate with just a change in mouse stuff. With the driver, you can adjust your horizontal sensitivity separate from your vertical sensitivity, but I don't know if that would be enough to really help - your monitor's resolution would still be 16:9 or 16:10.

  69. It's not working for me :/
    I installed drivers with admin and ran the GUI, but nothing is happening.
    I'm using it specifically to control my sensitivity better, not for accel. Windows have very limited increments in the settings, so I thought this program is a lifesaver.

    1. Okay, I'm a dumbass who can't read :(
      I used the Post-Scale X values and now the sensitivity has changed.

      But, just to confirm, does the multiplier works exactly like Windows multiplier?
      Like in here:

      Also the multiplier multiplies my Windows sensitivity settings right? So, or example, if I set my Windows sensitivity to 5/11 (or 0.75x) and Post-Scale X to 0.5, my sensitivity will be 0.375x right?

    2. Alright, glad you got it working.

      So yes, it does work exactly like the Windows multiplier, but you can specify whatever multipliers you want, and it does multiply by the Windows sens. 5/11 and post-scales set to 0.5 would be 0.375 as you said.

      If you are using it without accel, you'd probably want to use numbers close to 1/x (where x is a whole number) for even movements and to minimize the issues with rounding.

    3. Thanks for the answer!
      Man, I've been looking for ages for a program like this, surprised you're the only one who made it!
      Keep up the good work!

    4. Also, want to confirm again, if i want to change only the sensitivity, I should set Sensitivity to 1, Post-Scale X to whatever I want and everything else at zero, right?

    5. That's correct.

      And I had a thought last night too - if you increase your mouse's DPI and use post-scale with small values (like 4000 DPI and post-scale set to 0.1), that should give the driver more room to work with, and make your mouse movements feel more consistent. It's similar to the post on this blog that explains why high DPI can be good for mouse accel. The only caveat is that you have to make sure whatever DPI you go to actually tracks well with your mouse - some mice do poorly at high DPI.

  70. Thank you! I have been loving and using it for over a month.
    I am very sad about the lack of communication on it from ESEA as I would LOVE to use it on there without any paranoia. I dont really play any comp servers(for csgo) so it is a shame to have to not be able to use it in just that.

    1. For what it's worth, I've definitely heard from a few people that they are using it in ESEA without any issue. I think the one admin/ESEA person who said that thing was misinformed on the issue. But yeah, it would be nice to have official confirmation that the interception driver alone won't cause issues for them.

  71. MR Kovaak, greetings from Venezuela and i'm guy of 24 years old, that really love to spend time playing counter 1.6 at least at profesionnal level, was wondering can you recommend a proper settings to my mouse logitech g9? and what settings can i use in cs 1.6? like -noforcemaccel, -noforcemparms -noforcemspd or m_Rawinput 1 or 0? and what mouse multiplier in windows 1,2,3,4,6 sentivitiy?

    Please help i feel so bad my mouse :( in Venezuela everything is dying and expensive i cant even eat properly so i cant buy a new mouse.. thanks for your time
